
Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Give Thanks With a Grateful Heart

Happy Thanksgiving Month πŸ‘

'Amazing Colors' from the Almighty Artist!

"Giving Thanks is so Easy to Do,

It gives the Heavy Heart a Fresh A-NEW!

Yes, when 'all things' are 'Said and Done' . . .

Let us Stop, Hope and Hear the Savior say: 

"Good & Well Done""


Hello! Officially 'ordained ministers' of the LEJ blog page!

"Happy Tuesday", is I what would say on another Tuesday in another Month, . . . BUT, since this is 'the month of Thanksgiving' ... Let's call it:

"Thanksgiving 'Think & Thank' Tuesday" 

So then, On this 'Give Thanks Tuesday', let's travel back to when we were kids at Thanksgiving time.  I can still remember the 'cold Thanksgiving days' that we had in Beech Bottom, West Virginia!  
(Have a friend who reads this Blog from there!)

We usually played outside or went fishing until it was time to come home for our 'big Thanksgiving meal'.  And, my Dear Mom did such a fantastic job of preparing everything from the turkey, dressing, homemade rolls and gravy (for those 'gravy lovers') and for dessert ... were those delicious homemade 'Pumpkin Pies! 
I thought they were the Best in Beech Bottom!' 

Not her pie, but close 😁 (from Libbys)

And, my mom would ask me to read a 'scripture passage' in a booklet of Psalms & Prayers before our Thanksgiving meal.  I would be so embarrassed and shy to do it, but I struggled through!  Oh, such precious memories to be so grateful for.  

What do you remember that you did as a 'kid' during those 'Special Thanksgiving' times?  What made those 'times special' for you?

The 'Thanksgiving Challenge'

Hey y'all are doing great on the 'Thanksgiving Challenge'! Let's continue to 'encourage each other daily' (Hebrews 3:13) as you are doing. 
Please click the Link below ... its a brief message about the words 'think & thank'.  (That is what I was doing thinking about my BB days)

Please continue to participate in the Thanksgiving Text Challenge And, remember . . . 

'Faith Man' sent ya!! πŸ˜‰

An Interesting Thought: 

 Some folks make a great fuss over a comet in the sky or a total eclipse, but never notice a sunset!

NOVEMBER Puzzle Section: 

What is missing?

Gve Thnks wth a grtfl hrt?

see ya (Lord Willing) tomorrow!


  1. What made it special? The Love of Family & Friends. No one did without. And for this I am Thankful:)

  2. I agree! Thanksgivings' past were so good. Yes, no one did without. Special times, special meals & special memories that still bring much peace and joy. Together times are the best of times. ♥️πŸ₯§πŸŽƒπŸ™


Thanks for your comments :)
I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Have a Great Day in the Lord :)

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