
Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Memories of 'Season's Passed' will soon be Past

 Good Morning My Dear Friends!

How in the World are you this morning?

'Good & Healthy'! I hope 👴

'To everything there is a season, 

A time for every purpose under heaven:'

Ecclesiastes 3:1

'Summer Season' is Past . . . 

Ahh, Sunrise at the Ocean is so refreshing!

This past summer we had the opportunity to go to Hilton Head Island, SC with our daughter's family.  It was such a blessing, since last years' COVID restrictions kept us home.  It was so good to see our family and enjoy a great trip of relaxation and fellowship with our family.  Such great memories.

The Harbor at HHI

With 'each Season and changes in seasons of Life' God gives us Great Memories.  I find myself often these days thinking of and dreaming of times past.  And, thinking of these moments, bring mostly good thoughts!  I 'do treasure' the thoughts of good times & Holiday's together with family, my church family from the past and dear friends that I have been fortunate to meet along life's way.

Family Holiday Moments

Church Family & Friends Memories

God has truly blessed us with Great Days & Great Memories.  But, none of these 'great moments' will match the Glory that we will see and experience when we cross over to the other side of Eternity!  We will see our Savior JESUS!  Who bought us with His precious blood.  And, also see our beloved loved ones who have gone on before us.  

May we ever remind ourselves & each other of the 'greatest moment & reunion ever' that is still to come ... when the Lord Jesus returns!

"Keep looking Up! He will soon be here!"

'then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words.'
1 Thessalonians 4:17-18



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Have a Great Day in the Lord :)

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