
Thursday, October 21, 2021

The 'Work of God' is to . . . ??

 Good Morning Friends,
How in the World are you??
Good, I hope!

I have a question this morning . . . 
Have you ever wondered about the 'Work of God' that we are to do??

In other words, 'what are we supposed to do as a people, or as individuals'?

We can get busy about 'doing religious things', such as being pious and doing works of righteousness for the sake of being and looking 'religious'.  Then, these actions become a 'job' or 'a vocation for God' and not a 'relationship with God'.

Sadly, this is what most people do.  They 'work for God' instead of 'God working through them'.  Then people wonder why they 'burn out' or wonder why there is no energy to complete what they started 'for God'. 

It all comes down to one simple thing that Jesus pointed out in John's gospel.   
Even in Jesus' time people had the question about doing 'works of and for God'.  
Please read and consider ...  

'Then they said to Him, “What shall we do, that we may work the works of God?” Jesus answered and said to them, “This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He sent.”' John 6:28-29

Ah, there is the ANSWER! 
'Believe in Him (Jesus) whom God has sent!'

That my friend is the foundation of doing the 'work of God'. Yes, Believe in Jesus and allow Him to take up residence in Your Life in all areas of your life.  

In your quiet moments ... think about Him. 
In your daily thoughts ... think about Him.
In your daily work ... think about Him.
In your conversation with yourself ... think about Him.
In your conversation with others ... think about Him.

Remember .... 'BELIEVE IN HIM whom HE SENT'!
It will make all the difference in Your life 'today and forever'!!

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Have a Great Day in the Lord :)

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