
Friday, October 22, 2021

"The Work of God" series continues ...

Good Morning Dear Friends,
How in the World are you? 

Good I Hope!

"Believing In Jesus, makes all the difference"

Yesterday, 'Faithman' explained that the 'work of God' for us to do is to 'believe in Jesus Christ'.  And, when we do this with our heart and mind, there is a dynamic change that happens in our soul and a new purpose is birthed in our lives to allow the Lord to work through us for His Glory.

How is this so?  
It is because when we 'believe' we become righteous before God and we are now 'born again' by the miracle power of believing in Jesus as our Savior. 

God's Open Channel: His ears 'are open to our cries'
We now have an 'open channel' to talk to God in our special relationship with Him about everything that concerns us.

'The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous (those that believe in Jesus*), And His ears are open to their cry. The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears, And delivers them out of all their troubles.' Psalms 34:15,17
* we become righteous to God when we believe in His Son.

Dear Friend, 'What is bothering you this morning?  What is causing anxiety in your life?' Take it to God in prayer.  Let's talk to Him about our 'bothering thoughts' or our 'illnesses'.  He will 'deliver us' from all of our troubles.  Will you trust Him with me?  Remember, God's channel 'is open' to our cries 24/7 ... everyday. 

'Believing' ... the mind switch that makes the difference!



  1. "When we talk to Him, He will hear us, He will listen to all that we say. For the Lord of all is our closest friend; He is with us as now we pray." :)

  2. Yes, He Is πŸ™‚. "Oh, what a Friend we have in Jesus. All our sins and and griefs to bear. What a privilege to carry everything to God In Prayer". πŸ™πŸ˜Œ 🎼🎢🎡πŸͺ•πŸŽΈ

  3. Right after I was saved I was given this advice to trust no man and put all your trust in our lord. Best advice I’ve ever received and best gift I’ve ever received ETERNAL LIFE

  4. Amen JW ... trust in the Lord with All YOUR HEART and lean not unto your 'own understanding' or someone else's understanding! In all your ways acknowledge Him and HE WILL make our PATH's straight. :)


Thanks for your comments :)
I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Have a Great Day in the Lord :)

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