
Saturday, November 27, 2021

1st Sunday in Advent: The Darkness Extinguished!

Good Morning! 
It's the 1st Sunday of Advent. 🕯️

'In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it'.
John 1:1‭-‬5 NKJV

As began to write the 1st Advent LEJ message, I noticed that a light snow had fallen late Saturday evening when I looked outside.  I was 'moved' by the beauty of the 'Street Light' and 'its reflection' on the freshly fallen 'snow' and how the darkness around the light was extinguished!

Had there been 'no light', there would have been 'no reflection'.  If 'no light or reflection' there would have been no beauty to be seen or appreciated. 

The same is true about Jesus.  He came into the world at a very dark time in history to bring 'light, hope and life'.  And, In HIM is 'light and life' as John recorded in Chapter 1 of His gospel.  

If we know Him, we know the true 'light & life' that only Jesus brings.  His 'light & life' still continues to bring hope our dark and weary world that we live in.  May we be the 'reflection' of God's True Light as we go about in our every days' journey.
YES, WE ARE LIGHTS that God has called out to bring 'light & life' in our chosen generation.  May we carry on the mission just as other generations did before us and may the Lord find us faithful to the end.  

The 'Advent Light Challenge'  The 'Advent Light Challenge' is a ministry quest as directed by the Holy Spirit to bring 'light' in your 'small corner of influence' daily.  

Please join me in bringing 'light' to your corner of the world.  

Here is my 'Advent Light Challenge' Daily List:

1st. Start my day with a smile (look 'in the mirror 1st thing' to make sure my light is adjusted right 😉) and to smile at others whom I see throughout the day!
2nd. Share 'Light Scriptures' and special stories with my LEJ Friends.
3rd. Look for sources of 'Light, Joy & Hope' throughout the season (and take pictures when able)!
4th  Give 'Gifts of Light' throughout the Advent season.

This is 'Faithman's list'.  
Perhaps you could make your own 'Advent Light Challenge List' too! 

God Bless you!  

ps - I can almost see your 'light shinning' in my spirit as you read this message. 🕯️😉❤️

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Have a Great Day in the Lord :)

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