
Sunday, November 7, 2021

Enter Cold Sunday Mornings

  Happy Thanksgiving Month 👐 

Sunday is Here! 😊

My Favorite Day of the Week!

A 'snow covered' Sunday Morning will soon be here!

I don't know why, but November causes me to slow down and be Thankful for simpler times.  

I even seem to dream about 'the good old days' in November.  Yes, like growing up in the little town of Beech Bottom where my 'friend Howie' grew up too!  

I liked Sunday mornings and Snow on Sunday mornings too.  I still remember going to church as a child and seeing the old 'coal furnace' of the church and the 'coal furnace' that was in our house too.  

Mom or Dad had to put a 'big lump' of coal in the furnace to heat up the house and to melt off the ice of the single pane windows!!  I would drink hot cocoa while they were stoking the furnace.  Anyway, great memories of simpler times.

Thus . . .

Enter 'November' Sunday mornings.  Like, when singing in the 'junior choir' at Church, we would put on 'cold robes' and sing the 'traditional hymns' of Thanksgiving like:  

'We Gather Together' and 'Praise God, From Whom All Blessings Flow'. 

I still like how life was when I was a kid in 'good old' Beech Bottom, WV!  

While life in BB was fun,  and I went to church . . . it was still years later that I came to Christ.  

Just like a wise man said years ago, "just because a 'mouse' is in a cookie jar doesn't make him a cookie, a person or child 'going to church' doesn't make them a Christian either!".

Now, Thanksgiving Season is much more dear and special.  Because I have dear family & friends and great memories of such good days past. 


'I shall, be content' whatever season and 'fate' is upon us.  Amen. 


ps... Please continue to participate in the Thanksgiving Text Challenge And, remember . . . 

'Faith Man' sent ya!! 😉



  1. Good memories Jim. What I remember most is my Uncle Charles saying on Saturday, "car leaves at 20 til eight for church". He didn't have to say be here, I got it. I think about that every Sunday and Thank God for family.
    Have a Blessed Day. Now I have to get ready, Thanks Uncle Charles.

  2. Yes Howie. I still remember walking to church & to school at good old Beech Bottom! Precious memories ❤️.


Thanks for your comments :)
I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Have a Great Day in the Lord :)

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