
Saturday, November 13, 2021

Study, Be Thankful & Listen

   Happy Thanksgiving Month ๐Ÿ‘

Whatcha' been listenin' to??

"'So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.' Romans 10:17

Hello! Oh ... its Saturday afternoon already!! 'Faithman' slept in this morning!! I guess that he will need to go to bed earlier tonight!!

Anyway, I read a thought recently that we need to 'Study the Word of God, because satan has been studying us/you for a long time'!

Such a sobering thought!  

'He has been at war with our souls' since we were born and especially since we were born-again!  It is amazing how relentless he was on trying to keep us from the 'Word of God' to prevent our 'Salvation' and the 'Joy' and 'Power' that comes from following Jesus.

Then, after we 'came to Christ' ...
his battle continues because he doesn't have the ability to know the joy from following Jesus and staying on the 'narrow' highway that leads to LIFE. Amen!
You usually can tell the condition of our 'soul's-joy' by what we have been reading, where we have been spending our time and with whom we have been associating ourselves with.

If we have gone 'off-the-path' of 'our calling', we will find ourselves in the 'field of unbelief' 
instead of the 
'field of God's dreams'.

So then, 
what are we to do if this happens??


Then, return to 'the calling' that the Lord has put into our Hearts!  Then, seek out Godly fellowship and others to pray for  you to regain your 'spiritual strength' and fervor.  
And . . .
"Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth". 2 Timothy2:15 

Studying the Word of God, renews our Faith & Spiritual fervor!
"How is your 'spiritual fervor' today? 
Good? If so, Good!"

The Thanksgiving Challenge
Grateful for 'reading your praises 
thanksgiving' texts!

And remember . . . 

T.G.I.F (even on Saturday!)

Love you all, 'Faith man' ๐Ÿ’—

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Have a Great Day in the Lord :)

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