
Sunday, December 19, 2021

Season of Advent: "The presents or His Presence"


Christmas is Coming! 
Jesus is Coming Again Soon!

"Good Morning! 
Blessed Sunday Morning" 
4th Sunday in Advent:

 Oh, Come Let Us Adore Him

“The magic of Christmas is not in the presents but in His presence.” — Anonymous

What do we enjoy most about Christmas?  Giving presents or receiving presents?  

As Christians, we know something and SOMEONE who is better than all the presents that we could ever want or ever need. AND that is Jesus Christ, our Lord.  

We can know and experience "His Presence" this Christmas season and enjoy 'His Presence' every day of our lives.  But, we have to come to know Him first.  Once that we know Him, we can enter into knowing 'His Presence' better in the midst of any situation or celebration we find ourselves in.

The secret to this is, starting out our days in conversation with the Lord.  We must take the time to be quiet before the Lord so that the Lord runs our days, instead of our days running us.  

When we do this, 'His Presence' begins to fill us and move us and direct us to "His Place and His Peace".

I have a feeling that most of the time, we jump out of bed, get our coffee and rush here and there and miss out on the time that the Lord wants to spend with us to properly align us to the 'Lord's Presence' and His Agenda for the day.

When we rush, we can miss the opportunities that God had in mind to enjoy 'His Presence' and 'His presents' that He had lined up for us to be a blessing for us and for others. 

However, there is good news! Just because we miss a day or a week, or even one month from spending time with Jesus doesn’t mean we can’t start again. 

God’s mercies are new every single day. May I suggest this Advent Season, lets 'Jump start' our time in the morning with God again by waiting on Him.  

Ask the Lord to show us where and how to: 

  • Start a Bible Plan.
  • Read through the Psalms and Proverbs every month.
  • Pick a verse or short Bible passage and journal about it. 
  • Incorporate worship music into your day.
  • Spend time praying over the people in your life.
  • Read the Life Eternal Journal daily as part of your devotions.
  • Listen to a sermon or podcast that builds your faith in the Lord.

Doing these things isn’t about earning God’s love or making sure He’s not mad at us. 

It’s about connecting with the One who laid down His life for us so that we could live our lives for Him and enjoy 'His Presence'.  

It’s also about getting the strength we need to live in a world that is not our true home. It’s about walking with Him so that we can learn and grow in our faith in order to help others along the way.  

'His Presence' will make us and keep us strong throughout our journey here.  

His Presence will guide us in the Way



ps ... How is the 'Advent Challenge' going? 

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Have a Great Day in the Lord :)

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