
Saturday, December 18, 2021

Season of Advent: "Christmas, in Heaven Never Ends"


Christmas is Coming! 
Jesus is Coming Again Soon!

"Good Morning! 
Happy Saturday Morning too!!" 

Christmas is JUST A WEEK AWAY!!
How in the world are you?? Me? I am enjoying a peaceful, worshipful morning, and 'waiting on the Lord' in prayer. 

I just got my morning cup of coffee and listened to "Crown Him With Many Crowns". 
'Mornings' are my favorite times of my days. 

I normally 'tune in' by (or also known as) 'waiting on the Lord' for His new strength, new hope, and His direction for each new day. 
It's almost like 'Christmas Morning' every morning when I do this!

I had this thought this morning that our lives on this terrestrial ball are 'just a moment' compared to our Eternal lives where Christmas Will Never End.

Oh, the JOYS of enjoying & knowing the Lord's presence FOREVER without strife and tribulation of the worlds woes!

 Yes, 'Christmas in Heaven Never Ends'.  Almost sounds like a 'Song Title'.  Perhaps 'Howie and I' can write a verse or two about this song soon 😀.  

These days, 'Heaven' seems to be becoming 'more real' and the excitement about going there is making me excited too!  

Are you excited about Heaven? Are you going there? You can know that you have a place there because Jesus came the '1st time' at Christmas time to seek and save the lost.

What is interesting promise about going to Heaven, is that we can know that we are going there because 'God Word' says so . . .

'I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life. And this is the testimony: God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life. 1 John 5:11-13

The above scripture is one of many promises of God that we CAN KNOW that WE HAVE eternal life! And, what is even better . . . WE CAN TODAY start enjoying ETERNAL LIFE today, when we accept JESUS CHRIST GOD's SON into OUR LIVES!


EVERYDAY is like CHRISTMAS EVE, when we know Christ! Then, when we 'go to sleep' at the grave . . . Then, 

'Christmas Starts & Never ENDS'.

Merry Christmas!

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Have a Great Day in the Lord :)

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