
Friday, December 17, 2021

Season of Advent: "Best Christmas Presents"


Christmas is Coming! 
Jesus is Coming Again Soon!
Christmas Eve is only 1 week away from today!

Hope you are well this Friday morning as we are on 'the count down week' to Christmas Day!!  Hopefully the tree is up, the presents are bought and the cookie baking has begun.
(tip . . . if you view the 'web version' of the Life Eternal Journal, you will see a 'countdown clock' for Christmas in the upper right side of the blog,  The link for the webpage version is at the bottom of this page.)

In thinking about your past Christmas 'presents' received, have you ever thought about your 'BEST CHRISTMAS PRESENT' Ever? Or, your 'Best CHRISTMAS CELEBRATION' ever?  I have . . .

My parents were great Christmas givers.  We had some of the best Christmases growing up.  My brother and I got our 'first guitars' at Christmas time and we still today talk about what guitars that we received as gifts from them.  (they probably bought 'each other' a set of 'ear plugs' as stocking stuffers too!) 
I would have to say, those musical Christmas gifts still give me great memories and launched my brother and I into playing music even today for entertainment, but most importantly in Worship and in Church gatherings.

Yep, That's ME!! 😆

STILL the BEST Christmas Celebration 
The Year I came to Christ!  

That year, I then understood and appreciated the Christ Child and His Calling and Mission to Save the Lost and to die on the Cross for my sins and for those who have received Him.  

Since then, Christmas continues to remind me of why Jesus came.  And, that was to save me and others just like me who needed a Savior and Lord.  What precious LOVE of the Savior!!

Once we receive Jesus Christ and His Gift of Eternal Life and the Holy Spirit, this is the 'best gift' ever, because now we have a relationship with our Heavenly Father.  

And, He alone will supply our every need in every season of Life!!

Merry Christmas!!

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Have a Great Day in the Lord :)

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