
Saturday, January 29, 2022


Happy Saturday Afternoon!!

It was Sooo cold outside this morning!!

Even my 'favorite chair' on our back porch said 'he was cold'!! 

In all this cold weather, I still 'Praise the Lord' for His beauty in His World.

Here are some scriptures that relate to the Winter Season for us to meditate on:

'He gives a command to the earth, and what he says is quickly done. He spreads snow like a blanket and scatters frost like dust. He sends hail like gravel; no one can endure the cold he sends! Then he gives a command, and the ice melts; he sends the wind, and the water flows. ' Psalms 147:15-18

'Praise him, sun and moon; praise him, shining stars. Praise him, highest heavens, and the waters above the sky. lightning and hail, snow and clouds, strong winds that obey his command. ' Psalms 148:3-4,8

'He speaks, and thunder twists the earth in pain; the mountains are shaken by his strength. Whenever he wishes, the south wind blows, whirlwinds come, and windstorms from the north. He sends the snow fluttering down like birds, like locusts alighting on the ground. He speaks, and thunder twists the earth in pain; the mountains are shaken by his strength. Whenever he wishes, the south wind blows, whirlwinds come, and windstorms from the north. He sends the snow fluttering down like birds, like locusts alighting on the ground. We marvel at its beautiful whiteness, and in fascination we watch it fall. He sprinkles frost over the ground like salt, and it freezes into thorny flowers of ice. He sends the cold north wind blowing and the water hardens into ice; every lake and pond freezes over, putting on a coat of icy armour. ' Sirach (Ecclesiasticus) 43:16-20

Dear Friends, 
'Winter' has a reason - my Father's best 'He Must know'.
Whatever is a 'freezin', I am sure that He knows 'the reason'.
 And, with that I do rest in the Father's season's plan, 
Cause I know that to Him, is a pleasing.
Yes, His hand knows the limits of Winter's chilling plan.
Spring will soon be knocking on our door ....
I actually saw some Robins in our neighbors yard next door!  (really I did!!)

Have a great weekend! f.m.




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