
Sunday, January 9, 2022

God's Gifts: His Gift of Nature

A Blessed Sunday Morning to you!

I hope that 'Today's Edition' of Life Eternal Journal finds you well, full of JOY and safe as we are into the first weeks of the New Year 2022.

Today's 'Gift' is God's Nature Gift.

On Saturday, I ventured to a near by Cleveland Metro Park in Hinckley, Ohio and found myself sensing God's Presence as I looked at Winter's beautiful sights there.  

I had to get out my camera and took pictures of God's beautiful winter sights
The Sun reflecting on the Frozen Lake.

Sunlit, Deep blue and cold skies were still beautiful Saturday 

Even in the Cold, the Geese still love the cold waters!! Not Me!!

The 'frozen boat dock' will have to wait till Spring!

Brisk, cold winds caused the beautiful ice crystals to make a mosaic design. 

Frozen Water Falls at the Spillway.

Hope someone 'didn't fall in' at this spot!!
I'm always amazed at God's beautiful creation and Nature.  I love to hike, take bike rides through trails and observe things like 'red tailed hawks', walnut trees and red and brown leaves.

It is such a gift to get out, walk and just observe the simple things of sky, water, snow, ice, water falls and Canadian Geese.  

'He has made everything beautiful in its time. Ecclesiastes 3:11a

All of these things remind me of God's perfection in Nature.  Such awesome Gifts to behold.

The next time you feel stressed or confused about something.  Take a walk in God's Nature way if you are able.  This past Saturday, I did just that.  I felt His Presence in such a mighty way.  I wish that I could have stayed there all day.  But, night does come.  So then, I guess that . . . 

There are more blessings and GIFTS to UNWRAP in the days ahead!

LOVE, PEACE and JOY to you my Friends today and everyday!



  1. "In His Time" & "In Moments Like These". I sing out a song :)

    1. Yes, on moments like these walking thru nature I sign out a song of praise! 😉❤️


Thanks for your comments :)
I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Have a Great Day in the Lord :)

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