
Saturday, January 15, 2022

God's Gifts: "His Salvation"

 Happy Saturday Morning!

Happy SALVATION Morning and LIFE!

Today's GIFT is 'God's Salvation Gift'!!

I found myself thinking this morning, "What an AWESOME GOD!"  He'd knew we would be in trouble in this life, so He sent JESUS to 'RESCUE US' from our sins, misdeeds, missteps, our weariness, our confusion, our failures and our souls death!

God is so awesome!  He knows us.  He has cancelled the debt that we owed before God and others, and now we are New Creatures in Christ!  And, under His Care ... cause we can't really take care of ourselves!  

So in the 'Gift of Salvation' comes God's Eternal life and included in His Benefits is His care and Provision to do His Will while we are here!  Such a wonderful Gift is Salvation.

Now, let me ask you an important question.  The most important question that you will ever be asked! "Do you know Jesus Christ as your Savior and LORD?  If so, GREAT!  You know of God's 'GIFT of SALVATION'.  

If not, let me remind you of what the scriptures teach us:

'For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.' 

Romans 6:23

Living 'LIFE' being directed by our notions and SIN, produces 'results' or wages.  Those 'wages' result in 'death'.   However, when we accept JESUS CHRIST and come under His LORDship and care, the 'results' or really 'benefits' is the ETERNAL LIFE GIFT a.k.a. as SALVATION.   AND, the manifold benefits of SALVATION such as His Blessings, His Gifts, His Care, His Direction, His Peace, His Love, His Joy, His Power, His Wisdom, and His . . . . list is ENDLESS!

Our God is really an AWESOME GOD!  

No matter what this world throws at us, LOOK UP for our redemption is NEAR!! Cause JESUS is HERE!


For me to Live IS CHRIST, and to die is to gain!


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Have a Great Day in the Lord :)

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