
Sunday, January 16, 2022

God's Gifts: "His Trust"

Hello, It's Sunday Morning!

Sunday really is my favorite day of the week (and weekend day too)!

I usually get up when the house is completely quiet to wait on the LORD.   And, to 'hear from Him' is my greatest JOY!  As I sit here, I think and pray of what the LORD wants me to write on to encourage, to uplift, to empower you all in a 'special way' this very day.  

Here is the balance of the 'Gift List' studies that we have been on.

His Salvation ✔️

His Trust (Sunday)

His Unity

His Victory

His Word 

His Xenolalia

His Youthfulness

His Zeal 

As we continue in 'God's Gifts' today, today's LEJ's message is centered around 'His Trust' or really 'Trusting Him' in all of our circumstances, trials, illnesses, weaknesses, growing older, and fate in life.

As we 'cast our entire care on Him' (1 Peter 5:7), the scriptures actually mean for us to THROW OUR ENTIRE CARE on HIM

 Not to be disrespectful in anyway, but in is a sense 'its like' when you want to throw your 'trash away'.  THROW YOUR CARES upon HIM.  

JESUS wants us to be 'fear-less' about all things and situations in life.

Our dear brother Apostle John said it best when he wrote down, 'perfect LOVE cast out (or THROWS OUT) all our fear!' (1 John 4:17-18).  Yes, John sat by Jesus and learned and experienced His love for us and wrote the scriptures down so that we could know the truth and be free by 'trusting in the LORD' in all of our ways.  As we learn to take 'the gift' of TRUST, new opportunities open up to us as we TRUST IN THE LORD in all our ways.

What NEW OPPORTUNITIES does the LORD have for us in this NEW YEAR?  

And, I am excited to see God's Supply open in NEW WAYS for the Church as we take the time to LISTEN to the LORD and to TRUST HIM this very day!

His LOVE for us NEVER fails us.

Love you all,
Hope to see you someday soon.

PS . . . be safe out there, we are bracing for a big snow storm too!

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Have a Great Day in the Lord :)

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