
Saturday, January 22, 2022

God's Gifts: "His Word" Part IV

Happy CCCCold Saturday Morning to ya !

A very cold Saturday morning, with moon lit skies & snow reflections.

Time to Warm Up with the WORD OF GOD!

Today is Part IV of God's Gifts, "His WORD'.

'Forever, O Lord , Your word is settled in heaven.' Psalms 119:89

 'The grass withers, the flower fades, But the word of our God stands forever.”' Isaiah 40:8

'He sent His word and healed them, And delivered them from their destructions. Oh, that men would give thanks to the Lord for His goodness, And for His wonderful works to the children of men!' Psalms 107:20-21

The WORD of GOD has always been here and has always been operating in ways that are 'supernatural' and above all human reasoning and behind all science discoveries.  There are many hidden things that are yet to be revealed in its proper time and according to God's WORD.  Many scientific discoveries were accomplished by men who were believers in the WORD of GOD and God revealed to them secrets of the universe in SCIENCE, ENERGY and TIME.  I believe as we enter into 'walking in the Spirit' more and more, we will experience things that will completely astound us.  Events like this were recorded in the Book of ACTS.   

I think of many things that have happened to me in my life that were and still exist from God moving in my life in a 'supernatural way'.   It is my prayer, that this ministry of LEJ helps you in ways to experience God in a real and mighty way.   

I completely marvel at the WORD of GOD and its wonder working POWER!  

I like to think the BIBLE is like 'GOD's Historical Contract Blueprint' that shows us God's PROMISES, BLESSINGS, WARNINGS and His SALVATION and entry into the Kingdom of God.  

What activates all of these Gifts in God's WORD is our FAITH 

Without FAITH it is IMPOSSIBLE to please God (Heb 11:6) . Without READING the WORD OF GOD (the HOLY BIBLE) in FAITH, the BIBLE will read like a mystery book that intrigues the 'natural man'.

But, to the 'Spiritual / Saved man', the WORD OF GOD becomes our offensive and defensive weapon.  Our healing WORD.  Our collection of SONGS (Psalms) and OUR Divine ROADMAP to the WILL of GOD.   

God's WORD is forever settled in HEAVEN (Ps 119:89).  Also, this HEAVEN AND EARTH WILL PASS away, but the WORD will always remain (Matthew 24:35).  

So therefore, may I challenge us to open GOD's GIFT "His WORD" daily, put the WORD to USE in OUR LIVES.  As we STUDY IT, God prepares our Heart so that we will be about our 'FATHER's BUSINESS' and stay SHARP about the things of the SPIRIT.  

Think of reading the WORD of GOD is 'like tuning your guitar' regularly.  We all know what happens when we fail to 'tune our instrument'.  Our guitar will goes out of tune and we eventually will not be able to play the song we intended.  

The same is walking with the LORD.  When we fail to 'read the WORD' regularly, we will go 'out of tune' with our SAVIOR and our WALK with God will suffer.

Keep in Step with God today! TUNE UP TODAY and stay 'HIS WORD'.

Keep Warm and Safe Out there!
Love you all,


Thanks for your comments :)
I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Have a Great Day in the Lord :)

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