
Showing posts with label Commands. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Commands. Show all posts

Monday, June 1, 2020



Hey there, 

How many times while you were driving your car you 'stopped' at the 'red lights', and at the 'stop signs', and at the 'yield signs' to advert an accident??!!

I am sure many times! 

I believe that you have 'stopped' many times or you would be able to read this message this morning!!

The Lord is having me STOP!!

Tune in tomorrow to find out why!

ps - please read and meditate on this scripture throughout today:

Jeremiah 6:16a "Thus says the Lord: 'Stand in the ways (or 'Stop' in your ways) and see, And 'ask' for the old paths (the Lord's ways), where the good way is, And walk in it; then you will find rest (soul food) for your souls (life's journey)."

'Italics' my thoughts.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Make It Yours 🤗

Good Morning Dear Friends,
How in the World Are you?
Good I hope! Faithman

Make 'God's Word' Forever Yours!

Yes, The Word of God is powerful!  

The Word of God changes situations, circumstances and us!

When we read the Word of God, 
  • Do we prayerfully allow "The Word of God" to change us?
  • Do we follow "The Word of God's" commands and Instructions?
  • Do we allow the Holy Spirit to use the "Word of God" 'reprogram' our thinking and priorities?
"Make It Forever Yours"

One such way that I have practiced that has helped tremendously has been to 'Make the Word' mine.
You may ask, "what do you mean, make "The Word" 'mine,' or 'yours'?"

It simply is taking a scripture verse and making in applicable to my situation or circumstance for the day as the Holy Spirit leads.  The (parenthesis) part of the of the 'Make It Mine' scripture is for you to either fill your name in, or make it a prayer for someone you know needs help in their lives at this time.

For Example:

Psalm 121, verses 7 & 8 in the KJV Bible states:
The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul.  The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore.
'Make It Mine' for this verse could say:
The Lord shall preserve Jim (or your name) from all evil: he shall preserve Jim's (or your name's) soul.  The Lord shall preserve My (or your) going out and My (or your) coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore. 
Here's another example:

Psalm 23, verses 1 - 3 in the KJV Bible states:
The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.  He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.  He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
A 'Make It Mine' could read something like this for us:
The Lord is Jim's (your) Shepherd; I (we) have everything I (we) need.  He makes Jim (you) rest in green pastures: He leads Jim (us) beside the calm waters.  He restores our souls: he leads me in the paths of right living for His name's sake. 

I think you get the idea.  By using scripture this way, you are "Making It Forever Yours".  When we do this, it changes our thinking and applies the Word of God in any life situation that we are going through at the moment.  If we are happy at the moment, look for the 'joy' scriptures and "Make It Forever Yours'.  If we are suffering at the moment, look for the healing or perseverance scriptures and "Make the Scripture" forever yours.

The Word of God is full of promises for the Child of God.  You my friend are a 'Child of God' and the promises of God are there for you and for your benefit.

So remember,

"Make 'The Word of God' Forever Yours!

Faithman 😇


The Monday Morning Quarterback / Sermon Question?

Happy Monday! I hope that all is well with you this morning. The Monday Morning Quarterback Question? Question: Did you make it to church or...