
Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Am I ...


(Part I)

Good Morning LEJ Friends,
"How in the world are you this morning?
'Good' I hope!"

from yesterday's LEJ
Jeremiah 6:16a "Thus says the Lord: 'Stand in the ways (or 'Stop' in your ways) and see, And 'ask' for the old paths (the Lord's ways), where the good way is, And walk in it; then you will find rest (soul food) for your souls (life's journey)."
'Italics' my thoughts.
Are you 'Stopped' ???
If 'yes' ... Good.
If 'no' ... maybe 'not good'! 
'Watch out for that chair!! Or, that other car!! (Jk, Jk!!)

Yesterday I mentioned in this edition of LEJ, that I would tell you the reason that I have 'STOPPED'.

Before explaining the reason, please consider ... 

In any project, business enterprise, battle-front army, or even a vacation, it is important to 'STOP" occasionally to make sure that we are doing what is right, with the right motives and according to the plans intended. 

If not, we can burn up so much energy, resources and time on things that really don't matter much for now, or for eternity.  

So then my friends ...

That is the reason that I have 'STOPPED'!    
So I have asked myself,
"Am I ... doing what is 'right' with the right motives and with eternity in mind"??
In the next several LEJ's editions there will be spiritual concepts and life-proverbs that will give us all a good reason for 'stopping' along life's highway journey to assess where we are along life's journey.  

Could it be that 'COVID-19' was divinely allowed in our lives at this time to "STOP" us so that we would think, pray and consider 'am I' really doing what counts for now and eternity'? 
May I challenge you to ask yourselves this very same question today:  
'Am I' doing what really counts for now and eternity, or am I just getting by and doing my 'own thing'??

Investing & Withdrawing

In some of the LEJ editions of the past, I mentioned that either we are 'investing' in our lives storehouse, or we are 'withdrawing' from our lives storehouse. 

'Investing' our lives in God and His is great because we know that we have taken the necessary time and resources on doing things that matter for eternity and the Kingdom of God.  By building on the foundation that the Lord has set in our lives is of upmost importance for now and for the future for our spiritual, mental and physical well-being.

'Withdrawing' from our storehouse can be good provided that we have left enough there to be seeds and resources for the next 'withdrawal' need.

Lesson Learned
If you have already been 'investing' your lives in the Kingdom Of God and living to fulfill God's mission in your life, GREAT!  Keep it up.
If not, please consider that we only get 'one-time' through this life and that we must make it count for the Kingdom of God and build our lives on the foundation of Jesus Christ has given us.  There are no 'excuses' nor reasons that we can give for why we didn't build on the foundation that Jesus Christ has laid for us. 
After all He went to the Cross for our Sins.  Amen.  
This, my friend was the ultimate "investment' that God made for our lives. 
 'For God loved the world so much that he gave (Invested) his only Son, so that everyone who believes (invests) in him may not die but have eternal life. ' John 3:16
 See you tomorrow (Lord willing) while stopped on life's journey.
God Bless You,
 Faith Man

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Have a Great Day in the Lord :)

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