
Saturday, August 22, 2020

Good, Godly Habits..

Good Morning Dear Friends,
How in the World Are you??
I hope 'Good and Growing' in your Faith!  f.m.


Did you ever stop to think, that almost everything that we do ... we do by habit.  Some habits are 'good' and unfortunately, some are 'bad' habits that we picked up along the way.

May I ask you to make a list of your 'good' habits.  Our 'Good habits' are the things that we do that promote spiritual growth and help to keep our 'temples of God' healthy.

Examples of 'Good Habits' are:
1. Bible Reading
2. Prayer
3. Worship
4. Walking
5. Eating healthy foods
6. Fellowship with Friends & Family
7. Thinking Good Thoughts
8. Taking time to Rest

Examples of "Bad Habits" include:
1. Wasting Time and no 'Bible Time'
2. Praying less 
3. Worrying more
4. Being a couch potato
5. Eating foods that are unhealthy 
6. No fellowship with Friends & Family 
7. Thinking Bad thoughts
8. Working too much on things & idols

Did you ever stop to think what 'triggers' your habit??  I find out that most 'bad habits' start out seemingly to be harmless because we don't see the immediate effect of the habit.
Then, as the habit 'grows,' it gains control over us over time.

That is why it is important to start out doing the 'good habits'.  We may not see the 'good results' immediately, but over time (sometimes days, months & years) we will reap the results of those good habits!

The apostle Paul wrote about 'habits, sowing and reaping' in his letter to the Galatian Church.  Please read

Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth (to his habits*), that shall he also reap (the results of his habits*).  For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth (in his habits*) to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.  And let us not be weary in well doing (of our good habits*): for in due season we shall reap (the good*), if we faint not (in our good habits*).
Galatians 6:7‭-‬9 KJV
(* = 'Faithman's comments)

Oh, don't we wish that we would have learned this lesson years ago!  We definitely would be in better shape today!!  

But, it is not too late if you are reading today's LEJ.  

Let's stop and take inventory of our 'bad habits' and replace them with 'good, godly habits' so that we will reap the results of the Spirit-led 'good & godly' habits.

Just 'small - little changes' will cause a great big change over time.  (check out 'Faithman's' Oak tree example!)



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Have a Great Day in the Lord :)

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