
Saturday, August 1, 2020

Hello, Again ...

Good Morning Friends,
"How in the World Are You"??

Good I Hope! 
sez Faith Man

Well, its been over 6 months since we learned of and endured the CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) in ways that we would have never expected. 😷

It has been my prayer that you all are doing as well as possible during these unpresidented times.

My family and I have been practicing 'social distancing' as much as possible without loosing (almost) our sanity and keeping a positive outlook and 'faith alive' by listening to 'Zoom' Church and Bible studies on-line*.

I think that I have only been in Walmart '2 times' since March 1st and I can say, I don't miss Walmart, nor shopping much at all.  

This extra time of isolation has allowed me to pray, rest, think, read and pick up some old 'hobbies' that have been on the shelf for decades.

With other members of our family also isolating and 'needing our help', caused some of my 'writing times' to be limited. 

With family priorities changing, this situation is allowing me to have time again to think, pray and write again.

'The One Word' for 2020 
In January, I asked you to think about a 'one word' action word that would set the tone and directon for our lives.  My word was 'Vision'.  

With a word like 'Vision' in a pandemic situation, one could think that they might have missed the 'right word'.  

But, I still have a 'Vision' for when the Pandemic is over.  And, I ask myself, "what will change in my life once its over"?  

->  How will I see people differently?
->  How will I conduct my life?
->  Will I value my Christian freedom more?
->  Will I worship with a 'real frevent spirit' of thankfulness and praise?

I do hope and pray that I will change and keep eternity in my mind and lifestyle.

During a bible study this past week, I came across this scripture from Habakkuk . . .

And the Lord answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.
Habakkuk 2:2 KJV

This scripture 'stirred my Vision' again to serve God in the capacities that He has entrusted me with.

May He give me the strength to do so.

It is my prayer, that when this pandemic is over ... I want to attend one of my favorite fellowships with my dear friends at Harmony Church in Mingo Junction, Ohio.

May it be so.  God Bless you all!
Faith Man.

* We attend 'The Chapel' services via zoom.  We have been invited to send the link out to those who are interested.  If you want a link sent to your text or email address, please let me know :)

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Have a Great Day in the Lord :)

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