
Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Season of Advent: 'Joseph' "Discerning, Humble & Obedient"

Good Morning!
How in the world are you this beautiful Tuesday morning?

Today's message continues on the character of Joseph.   Joseph's character inspires me to study him more at length.  Especially, because of 'his role' in the 'silent success' of Jesus' birth and his family's 'flight to Egypt' and beyond.

Yesterday we learned about Joseph being 'righteous and kind' in character.  Joseph did not what to disgrace Mary and wanted to do what was right in God's eyes.   In today's study about Joseph, we learn that Joseph listens to God and knows the scriptures.  

Angel ministers to Joseph in his dilemma 

While was Joseph thinking and meditating on what to do, Joseph has a dream and an angel of the Lord quotes the prophecy of the Messiah being born of a virgin.  Here is what was said by the angel as he quoted from the prophet Isaiah:

'Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel. ' Isaiah 7:14

Therefore we learn that Joseph knew the Word of God, prophecy and loved the Law of God.  And in his dilemma, the angel of the Lord appears on the scene at the right time with the answer to Joseph's situation of "what should I do?"

And, as always when we do not know what to do and our back is up against the wall,   God always will answer our requests just like he did for Joseph when we petition Him with our deepest decisions in faith.  

It is important to know that Joseph was a humble and sincere carpenter too.  He had a regular job to do.  He was not a great land magnate, or great merchant or held a public or political office.  But he was a humble, quiet and obedient man of God.

Here's a lesson to learn from Joseph.  Before God calls us to a task, God reminds us to be like Joseph, Humble, kind and seeking God's righteous ways in all our actions.  Joseph was a man after God's own heart.

May we learn from Joseph and too, be men and women after God's own heart and will.

When we do this, our works and stories will live throughout eternity!
This little light of Bethlehem, still shines brightly today.


How is your 'Advent Challenge' going??  
Remember to 'SHINE OUT!!'

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Have a Great Day in the Lord :)

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