
Saturday, December 4, 2021

Season of Advent: "Life without the 'True LIGHT', is true darkness"

Hello . . . Good Saturday Morning to you!

The 'morning LIGHT' breaking through the 'darkness' of night!

As I write these Advent devotionals for Life Eternal Journal, I am mindful of the 'darkness' in my life without Christ for almost 21 years.   And, the experience of the incredible darkness I felt when of when my dad died during the Advent Season of 1973 just days before Christmas Eve.  He passed away the night after my wife and I were married on December 21st.

Oh, such 'darkness' of his death and confusion of why did it have to happen then?  That was the question that I had then.  We went on and had Christmas that year, but it was very quiet and met with our families.  How we survived the grief and 'darkness' was later known by only by the peace, the healing and the hope that God brings.   

The next year was a year of searching for answers about LIFE.  My questions were answered by the Lord bringing me LIGHT and SALVATION to me almost a year later through connections with my friends who became Christians before me at my workplace and shared Christ with me.  

Ever since the Advent Season of 1974, I now understand why JESUS came and brought LIGHT into the world to those who would receive HIM.  And, only in HIM can we ever know the true meaning of Christmas and Advent.

I am convinced, that if a person does not know Jesus Christ as their LORD and SAVIOR, there is absolutely no way that they can really understand their 'darkness' until the 'LIGHT' of Christ comes and resides within them.

Do you know the meaning of 'Advent'?  Do you understand what 'Advent' is about?  

The Word 'ADVENT' comes from a 'Latin' word which means 'coming'.  In the Church Calendar it is the period of preparation for the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ at Christmas time.  This year's Advent began on November 28th.   

So then, what should we do during the Advent Season . . . ?

How would you prepare to celebrate a birthday for a dear friend in your home or family?  Think along those lines for a start.  I like to think about how dark things were before Christ in my life, and then the LIGHT that Christ brought to me that special day in November 1974.  His LIGHT and LIFE gives me hope of eternal LIFE and the reason to LIVE to pass on HIS LIFE, HIS JOY, HIS FORGIVENESS to those who are in darkness like I was.

Yes, I 'Saw the LIGHT', my darkness was changed into LIGHT! 

Now I'm so happy .... no sorrow in sight . . . Praise the Lord I saw the LIGHT! 🎸♪𝆔𝅘𝅥𝅯

Yes, it is already the end of this year's ADVENT Seasons' 1st week.  Have you seen the LIGHT?

Next week, may we draw near to God and ask Him what HE WANTS from US for HIS BIRTHDAY this YEAR.


Ps. . . How's the 'Advent Challenge' Going??? 

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Have a Great Day in the Lord :)

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