
Thursday, December 2, 2021

Season of Advent: 'Our Light Source is the Cross'

Good Morning . . .

How in the World are you in this '1st Thursday' of the Advent Season?

How is our LIGHT shinning out today?  How is our POWER & VICTORY feelings holding up?  Has our 'little LIGHT' been running 'dim' because of the surrounding darkness?  

We must remember our LIGHT Source comes from.  A few years back, I came across this picture below and added scripture to it then and thought of it this morning when I woke up.  It tells us where our LIGHT Source Power comes from.  It comes from the CROSS.

Our Power Source is the Cross of Calvary!

REMEMBER THIS:  The enemy is NOT WINNING! It only appears this way.  If our 'LIGHT power focus' is 'temporarily' on the 'darkness' and not the CROSS, our LIGHT will appear to grow dim.

I read a comment the other day during a Bible Study and it 'fits' for today's Advent message: "Our lives are a beacon, but like a fire without fuel, we will grow dim the farther we move away from the source".  

During this dark December morning may our prayer be like this,  . . . Dear Lord, make us mindful to draw near to you and to the CROSS every hour to receive power for our 'LIGHT's tower'. Amen! 'faithman' 🙏

Take the 'Advent Light Challenge'  
The 'Advent Light Challenge' is a ministry quest as directed by the Holy Spirit to bring 'light' in your 'small corner of influence' daily.  

Please join me in bringing 'light' to your corner of the world.  

Here is my 'Advent Light Challenge' Daily List:

1st. Start my day with a smile (I look 'in the mirror 1st thing' to make sure my light is adjusted right 😉) and to smile at others whom I see throughout the day!
2nd. Share 'Light Scriptures' and special stories with my LEJ Friends.
3rd. Look for sources of 'Light, Joy & Hope' throughout the season (and take pictures when able)!
4th  Give 'Gifts of Light' throughout the Advent season.

Above is 'Faithmans' list.  
Perhaps you could make your own 'Advent Light Challenge List' too!  

Extinguish the darkness around you with your LIGHT Saber known as the Word of God!

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Have a Great Day in the Lord :)

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