
Tuesday, January 11, 2022

God's Gifts: 'His Peace'

 Good Morning!

I Hope that you all are well this cold Tuesday morning.  

We continue in 'God's Gifts' list this morning.  Today's Gift is "His PEACE". 

  • His Abundance 
  • His Blessings ✔
  • His Courage 
  • His Deliverance 
  • His Faith 
  • His Eternal Life 
  • His Grace 
  • His Hope 
  • His Intimacy 
  • His Joy 
  • His Love 
  • His Motivation 
  • His Nature 
  • His Omniscience 
  • His Peace
  • His Quietness
  • His Restoration
  • His Salvation
  • His Trust
  • His Unity
  • His Victory
  • His Word 
  • His Xenolalia
  • His Youthfulness
  • His Zeal 
'But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. '  John 14:26-27

Do we have 'God's Peace' this morning?  Do we sense His Presence in the midst of our days?  May our PEACE come from the Promised Holy Spirit as we trust Him to fill us up!  

Living Water 'fill us up'!
This world is incapable of 'producing PEACE'.  The world's leaders have been working on this since the beginning of time and still, 'PEACE' missing.

So then, we must go to the 'author of PEACE'.  The author is JESUS CHRIST!  Only in JESUS can we ever experience HIS PEACE.  

PEACE is found in the person of JESUS CHRIST. 
Once we relinquish our cares and concerns to Him, then can we only experience the PEACE that God Gives.  

If you need God's PEACE this morning, go to Him in prayer.  Allow the Holy Spirit to speak to you as you give Him the 'great exchange'!  Our surrender of cares for His PEACE.  And that my friend, is how we open 'God's Gift' of PEACE. 

'Again Jesus said, “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” And with that he breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit. '  John 20:21-22


God Bless you!

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